
Arena 2.1.1

The config has changed! See below for information regarding updating your config

Arena v0.1.51
ArenaStatistics v0.1.2
ArenaUI v0.1.31
ArenaEvents v0.1.07

Added config option to blacklist chat commands for event players. This does not apply to admin

Config Changes (3 lines) Arena.json
  "Event Settings": {
    "Add rotator to dropped items (Requires RotatingPickups)": true,
    "Blacklisted commands for event players": [ // Add from here
    ], // To here
    "Display kill feed in chat": true,
    "Drop ammunition on death": true,
    "Drop weapon on death": false,
    "Number of kills to activate killstreaks": [
  "Game Timers": {
    "Display game timers": true,
    "Match pre-start timer (seconds)": 30,
    "Player respawn timer (seconds)": 5
  "Lobby Settings": {
    "Event lobby spawnfile": "lobbyspawns",
    "Event lobby zone ID": "",
    "Force event access from a physical lobby": true,
    "Lobby NPC ID's": []
  "Reward Settings": {
    "Amount rewarded for kills": 1,
    "Amount rewarded for wins": 5,
    "Issue rewards for kills": false,
    "Issue rewards for wins": false,
    "Reward type (ServerRewards, Economics)": "ServerRewards"
  "Server Settings": {
    "Chat command to open the menu": "menu",
    "Disable Airdrops (Server wide)": true,
    "Disable Animals (Server wide)": true,
    "Disable Helicopters (Server wide)": true,
    "Open event menu when a player connects (Requires event only server)": false,
    "This is an event only server?": true,
    "Use inbuilt chat manager": true
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Reactions: MeatCircus
The config has changed! See below for information regarding updating your config

Arena v0.1.5
ArenaStatistics v0.1.2
ArenaUI v0.1.31
ArenaEvents v0.1.07

Added config option to disable chat based kill feed
Added config option to disable game timer UI
Added config option to force event menu access only from within the lobby (disable if you do not use a lobby)
Added comprehensive player restoration management (for non-event only servers)
- This will restore health, hunger, hydration, and inventory with all items in the same order when a player leaves an event, or in the case of disconnection during an event it will restore when they next log on

Changed the "Return to Lobby" button in the menu to also say "Return to Game" (for non-event only servers)

Fixed the event statistic page category title saying "Player" when it should say "Event Name"

Config Changes (3 lines in Arena.json)
  "Event Settings": {
    "Add rotator to dropped items (Requires RotatingPickups)": true,
    "Display kill feed in chat": true, // Add this line here
    "Drop ammunition on death": true,
    "Drop weapon on death": false,
    "Number of kills to activate killstreaks": [
  "Game Timers": {
    "Display game timers": true, // Add this line here
    "Match pre-start timer (seconds)": 30,
    "Player respawn timer (seconds)": 5
  "Lobby Settings": {
    "Event lobby spawnfile": "lobbyspawns",
    "Event lobby zone ID": "",
    "Force event access from a physical lobby": true, // Add this line here
    "Lobby NPC ID's": []
  "Reward Settings": {
    "Amount rewarded for kills": 1,
    "Amount rewarded for wins": 5,
    "Issue rewards for kills": false,
    "Issue rewards for wins": false,
    "Reward type (ServerRewards, Economics)": "ServerRewards"
  "Server Settings": {
    "Chat command to open the menu": "menu",
    "Disable Airdrops (Server wide)": true,
    "Disable Animals (Server wide)": true,
    "Disable Helicopters (Server wide)": true,
    "Open event menu when a player connects (Requires event only server)": false,
    "This is an event only server?": true,
    "Use inbuilt chat manager": true
Arena v0.1.45
ArenaStatistics v0.1.2
ArenaUI v0.1.3
ArenaEvents v0.1.06

Fixed client side NRE spam when animals are killed (when animals are disabled in config)
Fixed ArgumentOutOfRange exception when event ends
Added zone whitelisting
Added teleportation back to previous location for non "event-only" servers
Quick fix for kill limit showing unlimited when its not in event view
Backup your data files before updating just incase of issues as data files have changed

Arena v0.1.4
ArenaStatistics v0.1.2
ArenaUI v0.1.3
ArenaEvents v0.1.0

Pulled the events out of the core plugin into a dedicated event plugin
Added event Team Survival
Added event GunGame
Added event One in the Chamber
Various back-end changes to accommodate additional event specific options and parameters
Arena v0.1.3
ArenaStatistics v0.1.2
ArenaUI v0.1.2

Added chat command "/edit <eventname>" to edit an existing event
Added chat command "/delete <eventname>" to delete an event
Changed out of bounds function to apply to players when the event is waiting for more players
Removed kill limit entry for survival events in creation menu
The config has changed! See below for information regarding updating your config

Arena v0.1.2
ArenaUI v0.1.1
ArenaStatistics v0.1.2

Added config option to display menu on player connection
Added config options to issue rewards via Economics or ServerRewards for kills and wins
Fixed error with kill assists where assisting players were never cleared from the list (leading to massive kill assist numbers)
Fixed issue where some disconnected players get stuck in an event
Fixed "IsPlayerDead" NRE
Fixed player teleporting to the lobby on connection when they are already in the lobby
Fixed killer player receiving a kill assist point instead of a kill point when other players have assisted
Reduced time between damage registration for kill assist points from 5 seconds to 3 seconds

Config Changes (8 lines)
  "Event Settings": {
    "Add rotator to dropped items (Requires RotatingPickups)": true,
    "Drop ammunition on death": true,
    "Drop weapon on death": false,
    "Number of kills to activate killstreaks": [
  "Game Timers": {
    "Match pre-start timer (seconds)": 30,
    "Player respawn timer (seconds)": 5
  "Lobby Settings": {
    "Event lobby spawnfile": "lobbyspawns",
    "Event lobby zone ID": "",
    "Lobby NPC ID's": []
  "Reward Settings": { // Add from this line here...
    "Amount rewarded for kills": 1,
    "Amount rewarded for wins": 5,
    "Issue rewards for kills": false,
    "Issue rewards for wins": false,
    "Reward type (ServerRewards, Economics)": "ServerRewards"
  }, // To this line here
  "Server Settings": {
    "Chat command to open the menu": "menu",
    "Disable Airdrops (Server wide)": true,
    "Disable Animals (Server wide)": true,
    "Disable Helicopters (Server wide)": true,
    "Open event menu when a player connects (Requires event only server)": false, // Add this line
    "This is an event only server?": true,
    "Use inbuilt chat manager": true
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Reactions: Corrosive
Finished the event statistic side of things including the UI. See the overview for more details
Added kill assist bonuses for players who team up to take down enemies
Added a spawn screen for events that use the class selector so players can choose their class before entering the event
Changed the team balancing function on event start for team based events
Fixed statistics data not properly loading
File upload