
Arena 2.0.35

The config has changed! Delete your ArenaEvents.json config file before updating

Arena v0.1.7
ArenaEvents v0.1.2
ArenaUI v0.1.4
ArenaStatistics v0.1.3

Changes to wearable items damage protection, now adjust individual damage amounts based on protection and hit bone
New team balance method
Changed team balance to a max difference of 1
Additional checks at event start and prestart for non-existent players
Fixed ability for more then maximum players to join if they all open event details at the same time
Fixed error when ejecting all players (could be the cause for other issues posted in support)
Disabled restoration data when it is set as full server event
Changed arena.startup and arena.shutdown commands

Added config option to adjust flag reset time (CTF)
Changed ZombieSurvival to NPCSurvival
Added option to use scientists in NPC survival
Wandering NPCs should return to their start position when exiting the event zone
Added config option to set NPC kits
Added config option to set NPC health
Added config option to set NPC damage modifier

Fixed error when saving a new event without filling in required parameters

Changed death stats recording
Changed headshots to count whether the player has been killed or not
The config has changed! See below for information regarding updating your config

Arena v0.1.6
ArenaEvents v0.1.1
ArenaUI v0.1.35
ArenaStatistics v0.1.2

Added config option to allow continuous play
Added config option to kick dead players (in survival events only) - Previously this was already the case but needs to be a option due to continuous play
Added config option to prevent players from joining a event unless they are naked

Added spectate system to manage dead players (in survival events)
Added additional event information on the small scoreboard

Added event Capture the Flag
Added event Zombie Survival (experimental)
Be sure to read my notes on the overview regarding the new events!

Fixed issue in creation menu where you couldn't delete event specific options

Config Changes (Arena.json 3 lines)
  "Event Settings": {
    "Add rotator to dropped items (Requires RotatingPickups)": true,
    "Auto-start a new game when event ends": true, // Add this line here
    "Blacklisted commands for event players": [
    "Display kill feed in chat": true,
    "Drop ammunition on death": true,
    "Drop weapon on death": false,
    "Kick players from the event when they die (Survival events only)": false, // Add this line here
    "Number of kills to activate killstreaks": [
    "Print event winners in chat": false,
    "Require player to be naked to enter events": false // Add this line here
  "Game Timers": {
    "Display game timers": true,
    "Match pre-start timer (seconds)": 10,
    "Player respawn timer (seconds)": 5
  "Lobby Settings": {
    "Event lobby spawnfile": "lobbyspawns",
    "Event lobby zone ID": "",
    "Force event access from a physical lobby": false,
    "Lobby NPC ID's": []
  "Reward Settings": {
    "Amount rewarded for kills": 1,
    "Amount rewarded for wins": 5,
    "Issue rewards for kills": false,
    "Issue rewards for wins": false,
    "Reward type (ServerRewards, Economics)": "ServerRewards"
  "Server Settings": {
    "Chat command to open the menu": "menu",
    "Disable Airdrops (Server wide)": true,
    "Disable Animals (Server wide)": true,
    "Disable Helicopters (Server wide)": true,
    "Open event menu when a player connects (Requires event only server)": false,
    "This is an event only server?": true,
    "Use inbuilt chat manager": true
Fix for Rust update
Arena v0.1.54
ArenaEvents v0.1.08
ArenaUI v0.1.32
ArenaStatistics v0.1.2

The config has changed! See below for information regarding updating your config

Added config option to broadcast event winner(s) to global chat
Fix for creating item with amount of less than 1 in GunGame
Fixed flamethrower in GunGame not spawning the set amount of fuel
Added delay for weapon/kit distribution

Config Changes (1 line in Arena.json)
  "Event Settings": {
    "Add rotator to dropped items (Requires RotatingPickups)": true,
    "Blacklisted commands for event players": [
    "Display kill feed in chat": true,
    "Drop ammunition on death": true,
    "Drop weapon on death": false,
    "Number of kills to activate killstreaks": [
    ], // Add this comma
    "Print event winners in chat": false // Add this line
  "Game Timers": {
    "Display game timers": true,
    "Match pre-start timer (seconds)": 30,
    "Player respawn timer (seconds)": 5
  "Lobby Settings": {
    "Event lobby spawnfile": "lobbyspawns",
    "Event lobby zone ID": "",
    "Force event access from a physical lobby": true,
    "Lobby NPC ID's": []
  "Reward Settings": {
    "Amount rewarded for kills": 1,
    "Amount rewarded for wins": 5,
    "Issue rewards for kills": false,
    "Issue rewards for wins": false,
    "Reward type (ServerRewards, Economics)": "ServerRewards"
  "Server Settings": {
    "Chat command to open the menu": "menu",
    "Disable Airdrops (Server wide)": true,
    "Disable Animals (Server wide)": true,
    "Disable Helicopters (Server wide)": true,
    "Open event menu when a player connects (Requires event only server)": false,
    "This is an event only server?": true,
    "Use inbuilt chat manager": true
Arena v0.1.53
ArenaStatistics v0.1.2
ArenaUI v0.1.31
ArenaEvents v0.1.07

Added additional error checking to prevent matches not ending when there are no players
Added wearable protection values to damage modifers
Added FF override for event players
The config has changed! See below for information regarding updating your config

Arena v0.1.51
ArenaStatistics v0.1.2
ArenaUI v0.1.31
ArenaEvents v0.1.07

Added config option to blacklist chat commands for event players. This does not apply to admin

Config Changes (3 lines) Arena.json
  "Event Settings": {
    "Add rotator to dropped items (Requires RotatingPickups)": true,
    "Blacklisted commands for event players": [ // Add from here
    ], // To here
    "Display kill feed in chat": true,
    "Drop ammunition on death": true,
    "Drop weapon on death": false,
    "Number of kills to activate killstreaks": [
  "Game Timers": {
    "Display game timers": true,
    "Match pre-start timer (seconds)": 30,
    "Player respawn timer (seconds)": 5
  "Lobby Settings": {
    "Event lobby spawnfile": "lobbyspawns",
    "Event lobby zone ID": "",
    "Force event access from a physical lobby": true,
    "Lobby NPC ID's": []
  "Reward Settings": {
    "Amount rewarded for kills": 1,
    "Amount rewarded for wins": 5,
    "Issue rewards for kills": false,
    "Issue rewards for wins": false,
    "Reward type (ServerRewards, Economics)": "ServerRewards"
  "Server Settings": {
    "Chat command to open the menu": "menu",
    "Disable Airdrops (Server wide)": true,
    "Disable Animals (Server wide)": true,
    "Disable Helicopters (Server wide)": true,
    "Open event menu when a player connects (Requires event only server)": false,
    "This is an event only server?": true,
    "Use inbuilt chat manager": true
  • Like
Reactions: MeatCircus
The config has changed! See below for information regarding updating your config

Arena v0.1.5
ArenaStatistics v0.1.2
ArenaUI v0.1.31
ArenaEvents v0.1.07

Added config option to disable chat based kill feed
Added config option to disable game timer UI
Added config option to force event menu access only from within the lobby (disable if you do not use a lobby)
Added comprehensive player restoration management (for non-event only servers)
- This will restore health, hunger, hydration, and inventory with all items in the same order when a player leaves an event, or in the case of disconnection during an event it will restore when they next log on

Changed the "Return to Lobby" button in the menu to also say "Return to Game" (for non-event only servers)

Fixed the event statistic page category title saying "Player" when it should say "Event Name"

Config Changes (3 lines in Arena.json)
  "Event Settings": {
    "Add rotator to dropped items (Requires RotatingPickups)": true,
    "Display kill feed in chat": true, // Add this line here
    "Drop ammunition on death": true,
    "Drop weapon on death": false,
    "Number of kills to activate killstreaks": [
  "Game Timers": {
    "Display game timers": true, // Add this line here
    "Match pre-start timer (seconds)": 30,
    "Player respawn timer (seconds)": 5
  "Lobby Settings": {
    "Event lobby spawnfile": "lobbyspawns",
    "Event lobby zone ID": "",
    "Force event access from a physical lobby": true, // Add this line here
    "Lobby NPC ID's": []
  "Reward Settings": {
    "Amount rewarded for kills": 1,
    "Amount rewarded for wins": 5,
    "Issue rewards for kills": false,
    "Issue rewards for wins": false,
    "Reward type (ServerRewards, Economics)": "ServerRewards"
  "Server Settings": {
    "Chat command to open the menu": "menu",
    "Disable Airdrops (Server wide)": true,
    "Disable Animals (Server wide)": true,
    "Disable Helicopters (Server wide)": true,
    "Open event menu when a player connects (Requires event only server)": false,
    "This is an event only server?": true,
    "Use inbuilt chat manager": true
Arena v0.1.45
ArenaStatistics v0.1.2
ArenaUI v0.1.3
ArenaEvents v0.1.06

Fixed client side NRE spam when animals are killed (when animals are disabled in config)
Fixed ArgumentOutOfRange exception when event ends
Added zone whitelisting
Added teleportation back to previous location for non "event-only" servers
Quick fix for kill limit showing unlimited when its not in event view
Backup your data files before updating just incase of issues as data files have changed

Arena v0.1.4
ArenaStatistics v0.1.2
ArenaUI v0.1.3
ArenaEvents v0.1.0

Pulled the events out of the core plugin into a dedicated event plugin
Added event Team Survival
Added event GunGame
Added event One in the Chamber
Various back-end changes to accommodate additional event specific options and parameters