Advanced Airstrike

Advanced Airstrike 0.1.80

Added 2 more fire types
- Cannon is cannon shells from the APC
- Combined is a combination of bullets and cannon

Changed rocket prefab to heli rocket as it has darker smoke trail
Changed napalm rocket prefab to heli napalm for the same reason
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Fix for Rust update
Added error message when setting an invalid config option. It will show you the incorrect value you set and also show the available values you can use
@Pur3x :p
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Reactions: Pur3x
Ditched FacePunch radius damage system and replaced with my own for nuke strike damage
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The config has changed! See below for information regarding updating your config

Added optional spawn file to designate random strike locations
Added radius damage options for the nuke strike
Changed spectre flight mechanics to fly away once its ammo has been depleted (preventing any chance of being stuck in a loop)

Config Changes: (3 lines)
  "Cooldown Options": {
    "Global cooldown time": 3600,
    "Strike cooldown times (seconds)": {
      "Napalm": 3600,
      "Nuke": 3600,
      "Spectre": 3600,
      "Squad": 3600,
      "Strike": 3600
    "Use a global cooldown for each type": false,
    "Use cooldown timers": true
  "Other Options": {
    "Broadcast strikes to chat": true,
    "Can call napalm strikes using a supply signal": true,
    "Can call nuke strikes using a supply signal": true,
    "Can call spectre strikes using a supply signal": true,
    "Can call squad strikes using a supply signal": true,
    "Can call standard strikes using a supply signal": true,
    "Random airstrike locations (Spawnfile name)": "", // Add this line here
    "Random airstrike types (Strike, Squad, Napalm, Nuke, Spectre)": [
    "Random timer (minimum, maximum. In seconds)": [
  "Plane Options": {
    "Distance from target to engage": 900.0,
    "Flight radius (Spectre Strike)": 300.0,
    "Flight speed (meters per second)": 105.0
  "Purchase Options": {
    "Can purchase napalm strike": true,
    "Can purchase nuke strike": true,
    "Can purchase spectre strike": true,
    "Can purchase squad strike": true,
    "Can purchase standard strike": true,
    "Cost to purchase a napalm strike (shortname, amount)": {
      "lowgradefuel": 500,
      "metal.refined": 100,
      "": 1
    "Cost to purchase a nuke strike (shortname, amount)": {
      "explosives": 20,
      "metal.refined": 200,
      "": 2
    "Cost to purchase a spectre strike (shortname, amount)": {
      "metal.refined": 150,
      "": 2,
      "techparts": 100
    "Cost to purchase a squad strike (shortname, amount)": {
      "metal.refined": 100,
      "": 1,
      "techparts": 50
    "Cost to purchase a standard strike (shortname, amount)": {
      "metal.refined": 50,
      "": 1
    "Require permission to purchase napalm strike": true,
    "Require permission to purchase nuke strike": true,
    "Require permission to purchase spectre strike": true,
    "Require permission to purchase squad strike": true,
    "Require permission to purchase strike": true
  "Rocket Options": {
    "Accuracy of rocket (a lower number is more accurate)": 1.5,
    "Accuracy of spectre rocket (a lower number is more accurate)": 7.0,
    "Amount of rockets to fire": 15,
    "Chance of a fire rocket (when using both types)": 4,
    "Damage amount (Nuke Strike)": 100.0, // Add this line here
    "Damage modifier": 1.0,
    "Damage radius (Nuke Strike)": 20.0, // Add this line here
    "Interval between rockets (seconds)": 0.6,
    "Interval between rockets (seconds) (Spectre Strike)": 1.5,
    "Napalm lifetime (seconds) (Napalm Strike)": 60.0,
    "Radiation intensity (Nuke Strike)": 30.0,
    "Radiation lifetime (seconds) (Nuke Strike)": 30.0,
    "Radiation radius (Nuke Strike)": 30.0,
    "Speed of the rocket": 110.0,
    "Type of rocket (Normal, Napalm)": "Normal",
    "Use both rocket types": true
  "Strike Gun Options": {
    "Spectre": {
      "Accuracy of bullet spread": 15.0,
      "Amount to fire": 300,
      "Bullet fire rate": 0.115,
      "Damage of bullets": 15.0,
      "Is explosive ammunition": true
    "Squad": {
      "Accuracy of bullet spread": 15.0,
      "Amount to fire": 50,
      "Bullet fire rate": 0.2,
      "Damage of bullets": 15.0,
      "Is explosive ammunition": true
    "Strike": {
      "Accuracy of bullet spread": 15.0,
      "Amount to fire": 100,
      "Bullet fire rate": 0.07,
      "Damage of bullets": 15.0,
      "Is explosive ammunition": false
  "Strike Weapon Types (Rocket, Bullet)": {
    "Spectre": "Bullet",
    "Squad": "Rocket",
    "Strike": "Bullet"
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Reactions: MeatCircus
The config has changed! See below for information regarding changes to your config

Added config option to use a global cooldown that applies to all strike types

Config Changes (2 lines)
  "Cooldown Options": {
    "Global cooldown time": 3600, // Add this line here
    "Strike cooldown times (seconds)": {
      "Napalm": 3600,
      "Nuke": 3600,
      "Spectre": 3600,
      "Squad": 3600,
      "Strike": 3600
    "Use a global cooldown for each type": false, // Add this line here
    "Use cooldown timers": true
  "Other Options": {
    "Broadcast strikes to chat": true,
    "Can call napalm strikes using a supply signal": true,
    "Can call nuke strikes using a supply signal": true,
    "Can call spectre strikes using a supply signal": true,
    "Can call squad strikes using a supply signal": true,
    "Can call standard strikes using a supply signal": true,
    "Random airstrike types (Strike, Squad, Napalm, Nuke, Spectre)": [
    "Random timer (minimum, maximum. In seconds)": [
  "Plane Options": {
    "Distance from target to engage": 900.0,
    "Flight radius (Spectre Strike)": 300.0,
    "Flight speed (meters per second)": 105.0
  "Purchase Options": {
    "Can purchase napalm strike": true,
    "Can purchase nuke strike": true,
    "Can purchase spectre strike": true,
    "Can purchase squad strike": true,
    "Can purchase standard strike": true,
    "Cost to purchase a napalm strike (shortname, amount)": {
      "lowgradefuel": 500,
      "metal.refined": 100,
      "": 1
    "Cost to purchase a nuke strike (shortname, amount)": {
      "explosives": 20,
      "metal.refined": 200,
      "": 2
    "Cost to purchase a spectre strike (shortname, amount)": {
      "metal.refined": 150,
      "": 2,
      "techparts": 100
    "Cost to purchase a squad strike (shortname, amount)": {
      "metal.refined": 100,
      "": 1,
      "techparts": 50
    "Cost to purchase a standard strike (shortname, amount)": {
      "metal.refined": 50,
      "": 1
    "Require permission to purchase napalm strike": true,
    "Require permission to purchase nuke strike": true,
    "Require permission to purchase spectre strike": true,
    "Require permission to purchase squad strike": true,
    "Require permission to purchase strike": true
  "Rocket Options": {
    "Accuracy of rocket (a lower number is more accurate)": 1.5,
    "Accuracy of spectre rocket (a lower number is more accurate)": 7.0,
    "Amount of rockets to fire": 15,
    "Chance of a fire rocket (when using both types)": 4,
    "Damage modifier": 1.0,
    "Interval between rockets (seconds)": 0.6,
    "Interval between rockets (seconds) (Spectre Strike)": 1.5,
    "Napalm lifetime (seconds) (Napalm Strike)": 60.0,
    "Radiation intensity (Nuke Strike)": 30.0,
    "Radiation lifetime (seconds) (Nuke Strike)": 30.0,
    "Radiation radius (Nuke Strike)": 30.0,
    "Speed of the rocket": 110.0,
    "Type of rocket (Normal, Napalm)": "Normal",
    "Use both rocket types": true
  "Strike Gun Options": {
    "Spectre": {
      "Accuracy of bullet spread": 15.0,
      "Amount to fire": 300,
      "Bullet fire rate": 0.115,
      "Damage of bullets": 15.0,
      "Is explosive ammunition": true
    "Squad": {
      "Accuracy of bullet spread": 15.0,
      "Amount to fire": 50,
      "Bullet fire rate": 0.2,
      "Damage of bullets": 15.0,
      "Is explosive ammunition": true
    "Strike": {
      "Accuracy of bullet spread": 15.0,
      "Amount to fire": 100,
      "Bullet fire rate": 0.07,
      "Damage of bullets": 15.0,
      "Is explosive ammunition": false
  "Strike Weapon Types (Rocket, Bullet)": {
    "Spectre": "Bullet",
    "Squad": "Rocket",
    "Strike": "Bullet"
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Reactions: Pur3x
Changed launch angle and accuracy modifier to 0 for nuke strikes
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Reactions: MeatCircus
Fixed cooldowns
Fixed console commands
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Reactions: MeatCircus
Added select-able weapon types to Strike/Squad/Spectre strike types
Added config options to adjust bullet settings
Added config option to use explosive bullets