Advanced Airstrike

Advanced Airstrike 0.1.80

Removed debug
Added hook to stop airdrops when using FancyDrop (will also need the updated FancyDrop that I will post in the support thread)
Added config option "Broadcast player names when a strike is called" which will show who called the strike in chat
Added option for coordinates and target players to buy strike command
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Reactions: Fusion 3.64
Fix for Rust update
Invulnerable autoturret for extreme damage values :p
Updated Economics hook to current version
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Reactions: Vustra.
Fixed being able to use supply signal strikes for any strike type when disabled
Changed call command to cancel if supplied arguments are invalid
Added config option to set a player cool down on strikes targeted at other players to prevent clans spamming attacks on 1 player
Fixed cannon issue
Fixed bullet and cannon projectiles counting towards the same amount
Fixed bullet fire from spectre being retarded
Fixed spectre accuracy not being taken into account
Fixed explosive rounds not dealing explosive damage
Added cannon options to config