Admin Menu

Admin Menu 2.1.6


The plugin now requires the Chaos library extension
, which can be found here
The downloader plugin provided will install and load the extension for you
There is more info about the extension on the extensions resource overview

The plugin has been completely rewritten and has a new UI design (see overview)
Some things may be in a different place then it was previously, however all functionality remains the same
I have also added search bars to almost all pages
Added convar sub menu (requires 'adminmenu.convars' permission)
Added input to specify ban/kick reason. If empty default reason will be used
Maintain item category and page when giving items
Fixed custom player info commands with a permission checking the target players ID instead of the player using it. This could result in a NRE if the target player object was not found
Added config options to add custom commands to the player info menu. See the overview for details

Updated for blueprint changes
Fixed permission button in player info menu reopening the player info menu after opening the permissions menu
Show ban, mute/unmute and permission buttons to player info menu when the player is offline and player object doesnt exist
Return button in player selection menu when selecting for player info menu returns to chat commands
Added permission "adminmenu.give.selfonly" which will only allow users to give items to themselves
Added config option "Use different permissions for each section of the player administration tab"
Added permissions for various elements of the player info menu;
Added option to each command config option to close the UI when the command is run