Talking Npc Vendors

Talking Npc Vendors 1.4.2

Fixed walkaway error
File fix
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Reactions: provokatze23
Fixed some issues with vehicles added in attackcopter to new copter creations.
Wrong file Fix
Vehicle file fix for rust update
Added in tugboat delete old defaultboats Data file in /oxide/data/TalkingNpc/Conversations
Warning You will need to remove any boat npc and recreate them.
Added missing vehicles file
Update for rust changes
Added default boat vendor READ PRIOR UPDATE NOTES
The Vehicle Spawns have changed..
If your using the Vehicle spawn you must remove any npc you have that is using the vehicle addons to spawn vehicles.

Also the creation of the vehicle NPC have changed to make adding default vehicle npc a lot easer with a simple onscreen walkthrough when adding them in.