Sinkable CargoShip

Sinkable CargoShip 0.1.10

Updated for pool changes
Revert because I am an idiot
Fixed for Rust update
This update is for the coming Rust update. Do not update prior to the game update!

Fixed for Rust update
This is for the coming Rust update. Do not update prior to the next game update

Fixed for Rust update
Only apply this update if you are running the latest Oxide build! If you are not running the latest Oxide you can apply this update when you next update your server

Removed reflection usage as the used fields are now public
Fixed not all loot floating to the surface
Expanded explosive trigger notification range to 2m
Set weakspot occupied if required explosive enter the trigger even if the player isnt inside the notification range
Added a few more explosions before sinking
Find active cargoships and make sinkable when plugin loads
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Reactions: Chris Shields
Added config option "Use satchels instead of timed explosives"
Fixed NRE when dropping loot which was preventing loot from spawning and cargoship despawning
Fixed NPCs not drowning when underwater
Remove everything besides NPCs from TriggerParent, and disable it when sinking so things dont get sucked down with the ship
Play radiation alarm when sinking
Cleanup all components when unloading
Fixed for latest Rust update
Stack 4 spheres on top of each other to make them more visible
Initialize destroy timer after it has sunk