Npc Random Raids

Npc Random Raids 1.8.7

Fixed some errors.
Fixes for npc kills trigger
Fixes for npc kills trigger
All cooldown are global used so if you get raided by any trigger you can not be raided again by any other trigger until the cooldown runs out. Cooldowns are stored in the RaidCooldownData.json file
Fix for npc name from facepunch update.
Npc kills cooldown should be globally set now.
Fix for nulls when using combined kills
Fixes for rust update
Added config options

"Surrender Item": "scrap",
"Surrender Item Name": "Scrap",
"Surrender costs": 400,
"Notify owners of incoming Random Raid Triggered By Timer": false,
"Min Base Blocks Size": 0

"All npc receive the same kit": false,
Added config options