Horse Lock

Horse Lock 1.1.4

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  • Fixed: Players being able to claim horses without buying in some cases
  • Added: Config option to set minimum time before warning player about unlock time (reduce chat notification spam)
ToDo: Horse rear effect on player trying to steal will be fixed later. I wanted to push out the rest as that all works fine.
Fixed: Players being able to claim horses at Ranch without using a saddle
Fixed: Unauthorised players are now unable to loot horse inventory
Please Note: The version number on the previous update should have said 1.1.0. This version is correctly numbered.

- Fixed: Use Friends, Clans and Teams options now work as intended when set to false
- Fixed: Full compatibility now with Vehicle Licence (does not act at all on VL spawned horses).
Fixed: OnEntityDismounted (KeyNotFoundException) error
Fixed: Players being able to bypass lock by leading horses
Added: Compatibility with Vehicle Licence (Will not lock VL spawned horses).