
HeliCommander 0.3.24

Fixed driver mount in CH47

Added command to despawn a helicopter;
/storehc - Despawns the helicopter you are flying. The helicopter must be parked on the ground and you must be in the driver seat. Using this command will reset the cooldown applied from using the spawn command and the contents of the vehicle inventory and fuel tank will be dropped on the floor
Added config option to disable custom controls for the minicopter
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Reactions: Sly Stone
Fixed typo preventing users from using the build command to build a minicopter
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Reactions: Sly Stone
Added support for air races in RaceTrack
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Reactions: MalS
Fixed typo in build command
Set helicopter owner id to the player who spawned it
Added initial support for mini-copters (would like to revisit this in the future to support turning properly)
Added command /buildhc to allow players to build helicopters for a item cost
Added config options regarding the build command
Added permissions to use the build command
Fixed console command using coordinates
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Reactions: MalS
Fix for Rust update (slow asf rockets)
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Reactions: MalS and ShuarS
Fixed save argument not working in console command
Fixed having either can spawn permission allowing you to spawn either helicopter
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Reactions: MalS
Added chat command "/removehc" to remove an individual helicopter
Added chat command "/clearhelis" to remove all helicopters
Added console command "clearhelis" to remove all helicopters
Added permission "helicommander.admin" which is required to use those chat commands
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Reactions: MalS