Furnace Upgrades

Furnace Upgrades 2.0.35

It is now possible to switch between using the legacy mode or the standard mode of furnace upgrades!
Legacy mode is the mode where the user must upgrade each attribute of the furnace instead of upgrading its levels.

Added a option to move and change the background color of the upgrade button;
Fixed an error where it was not possible to turn on electric furnaces.
Fixed a mini issue where the furnace status text did not show the coal multiplier because it exceeded the CUI limits.

If you don't want to delete the configuration file and reload the plugin, follow these steps:
In your config, find the field "UI Options" -> "Oven status" -> "Offset", now get the value and decrese 5 points in the second number, for example:
If your offset is the default: "200 20 400 100" change it to "200 15 400 100"
Now decimal multipliers work! Set a decimal number in a multiplier so it cooks additional resources according to the chance.

The loading bar for the item being cooked has been removed!
I noticed that the loading bar doesn't look as pleasant while the resource is being cooked, so i chose to remove it.

I completely refactored the code and made it cleaner and more performant.
A small fix, where the price of levels was sold for the value of one level below the next
\• It is now possible to see the current level in the new modal;
\• Now you can also see what improvements will be made when you upgrade the current level;

Upgrade changes
\• Furnaces now start at level zero;
\• Say goodbye to other FurnaceMod Plugins! It is now possible to set the default attributes for all furnaces on the server!
\• It is now possible to change the background color of the information that appears when you open an oven!
• Added support to the Remover Tool plugin;
→ Now, when you remove an Upgraded Furnace with the /remove command, the furnace will be added to your inventory with the statuses!
• Added a option to change the Status UI position;

• Removed the imagelibrary log when failed to load the legacy furnace image;
• Removed the removertool log when cannot give the upgraded furnace;