Craft Panel

Craft Panel 1.5.4

I have fixed a bug that caused that no matter how much you had the item with the correct skin, it would return an error. This should now work correctly.

If the item asks for a specific skin, the player must have an item with the same skin.

If the item asks for an item without skin, it will not matter if the player has the item with or without skin.
New submarines are added as items due to mod defects. (The configuration is simply updated by adding the 2 new items)

Demonstration of how to craft the new Rust submarines using the Craft Panel mod and PortableVehicles (umod).

Currently these vehicles are not implemented in Portable Vehicles so I had to modify the mod myself. I will send my update to the original developer of said mod so that they can publish it on umod.

I attach in this update the update of said mod by myself so that you do not have problems.

I also attach the exclusive configuration of the 2 new items, in case you want to update it yourself more quickly.
      "Short Name": "Submarine Solo",
      "Full Name": "Submarine Solo",
      "Img Full": "",
      "Img Icon": "",
      "Description": "A portable 1-seater submarine for you to place on your favorite beach shore. You can pick it up later by hitting it with a wooden hammer.",
      "Craft Result": {
        "Command (keep empty to create item)": "portablevehicles.give {steamID} submarinesolo",
        "Shortname": "",
        "Amount": 0,
        "Skin ID": 0
      "Permission Use": "craftpanel.submarinesolo.use",
      "Permission VIP": "",
      "Permission No Cost": "craftpanel.submarinesolo.nocost",
      "VIP discount: 10 = 10%": 5,
      "Require Workbench? 0 = NOT, 1 = Level 1,...": 1,
      "Items": [
          "Item": "metal.fragments",
          "Amount": 2500,
          "Skin ID": 0
          "Item": "scrap",
          "Amount": 300,
          "Skin ID": 0
      "Short Name": "Submarine Duo",
      "Full Name": "Submarine Duo",
      "Img Full": "",
      "Img Icon": "",
      "Description": "A portable 2-seater submarine for you to place on your favorite beach shore. You can pick it up later by hitting it with a wooden hammer.",
      "Craft Result": {
        "Command (keep empty to create item)": "portablevehicles.give {steamID} submarineduo",
        "Shortname": "",
        "Amount": 0,
        "Skin ID": 0
      "Permission Use": "craftpanel.submarineduo.use",
      "Permission VIP": "",
      "Permission No Cost": "craftpanel.submarineduo.nocost",
      "VIP discount: 10 = 10%": 5,
      "Require Workbench? 0 = NOT, 1 = Level 1,...": 2,
      "Items": [
          "Item": "metal.fragments",
          "Amount": 3500,
          "Skin ID": 0
          "Item": "metal.refined",
          "Amount": 10,
          "Skin ID": 0
          "Item": "scrap",
          "Amount": 400,
          "Skin ID": 0
          "Item": "sheetmetal",
          "Amount": 5,
          "Skin ID": 0

Any problem let me know.
If you want to add an object as crafting material with custom skin, now you can do it by editing the new field of the configuration file of each object.

Before updating make a copy of the configuration, since it has been modified to add this new field.

You can manually edit your old configuration file by adding the following code to each crafting resource item:
- BEFORE (As you have so far)
    "Item": "metal.refined",
    "Amount": 300
- NOW (How you should change it)
    "Item": "metal.refined",
    "Amount": 300,
    "Skin ID": 0

Just add:
"Skin ID": 0

Every resource.

To customize the object with a custom skin simply change 0 to the id of the Skin. If you have any problem let me know.
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Reactions: TeeJayAwreka
The images of the icons of the items to be manufactured have been optimized. Some were 900x900 pixels in size. With 300 is plenty.
By mistake I forgot some links from my private image server. They have been replaced.