
CarCommander 0.2.78

The config has changed! Delete your old config before updating

Added permission required to drive cars spawned by this plugin (carcommander.use)
Added config option to give a random amount of fuel when spawning a car (with minimum and maximum values)
Added config option to adjust the spawn time for the autospawner
Added config options to adjust the UI
Added UI strings to lang file

Fixed cars not always restoring after server restart
Destroy old passenger seats before spawning new ones (when server is not shutdown properly)
Only attach passenger seats of passengers is enabled

The CanMountEntity NRE - I only saw this happen 1 time, all the chairs broke out of the car randomly and upon trying to enter it that error popped up, so I spent a couple of hours trying to reproduce it with no luck. If I had to guess I would say that for what ever reason the chairs are triggering as being in the air causing their destruction but I can't say for certain. I removed the component that manages this from the chairs and hopefully that solves the issue
1 config line has changed! See below for more info

Changed the way fuel is consumed
Added feature where if you driver under water the car will stop, you will be ejected and it will explode after a short delay
Added small delay to restoration to prevent issues when reloading the plugin
Added support for a upcoming plugin

Config Changes
// Change this 
"Fuel consumption rate (litres per 10 seconds)": 10,
// To this
"Fuel consumption rate (seconds per litre)": 10,
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