
BetterTC 1.4.2

- Now if you only have the reskin permission enabled and not the upgrade permission, a "RESKIN" button is displayed, since otherwise before you could not exclusively enable this option if you did not want to enable the upgrade.
- The upgrade button is replaced in the item list by "RESKIN" if you do not have upgrade permission.
- Now all items are shown even if you don't have permission (although you have it blocked). If you want to completely disable any option, simply hide it from the config.
- Fixed the list of authorized players in the lockers, it was not displayed correctly when there were more than 6 authorized players.
- Images of: cupboard.tool, hammer, metal.fragments, stones, wood and metal.refined have been added to my own website. Since sometimes some clients had problems with images that did not load from the Image Library itself.
- Added support for Notify and UINotify.
- Added option in config to disable gametip.
- BetterTC now supports the new TCLevels plugin. A button to access the level system will be displayed within the upgrade panel.
- Now makes a call to OnStructureUpgrade in case you have another plugin that blocks upgrading to a certain level.
- Corrected a spelling error.
- Added default upskin permission. Now it will not be necessary to reload the plugin after downloading the list of skins.
- Added option in the interface to enable/disable Downgrade (in case it is active in the config). This will serve to prevent some constructions from accidentally downgrading. By default it will appear disabled.
- Added option in the config ("Downgrade only Owner Entity Build") to allow only downgrading of entities built by the same player. This will prevent other players from downgrading a raided base, it is recommended to have this option activated.
- The working frequency system has been modified in the configuration. Now you can set different times depending on the work being done. So you can assign a cooldown between upgrades, another cooldown between repairs and another cooldown between reskin.
- TiersMode support. It is now compatible with the Tier system, so if you have a limited Tier, the upgrade to wood can only be upgraded to wood. If you have it made of stone, allow wood and stone,...
- Multicolor option has been added to the color palette.

