
BetterTC 1.4.7

A new feature (beta) is added to offer your players the possibility of directly placing cabinets with the new appearance that Facepunch will add in the next April update.

Likewise, the possibility of changing the appearance from the plugin menu is also added.

Note: I have been testing and everything seems to work correctly even with Dynamiccupshare. If you find any problem let me know. There may be problems with multitc builds if the player decides to change the skin later. Since what really occurs is the elimination of the wardrobe and the placement of a new one, maintaining its properties.


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I have changed the way it checks whether building entities belong to a teammate or not.

Now it should be more optimized and not produce any Player Tick. Please, if you find any problem let me know.
Fix for March update.
Added "Upgrade / Downgrade only Owner and Team" option. If this option is enabled and the previous two are disabled, both the entity owner and his teammates will be able to upgrade or downgrade the entities. Important: If all 3 options are disabled, everyone will be able to upgrade and downgrade.
- Added "Upgrade only Owner Entity Build" option
- A new parameter has been added to the settings to hide the SteamID in the authentication list if you do not have admin permission.
- Now if you don't have permission to reskin it will also report that you don't have permissions.
- Fixed bug that allowed you to upgrade a container skin even if you did not have permissions to upgrade with skins.
- Now if you only have the reskin permission enabled and not the upgrade permission, a "RESKIN" button is displayed, since otherwise before you could not exclusively enable this option if you did not want to enable the upgrade.
- The upgrade button is replaced in the item list by "RESKIN" if you do not have upgrade permission.
- Now all items are shown even if you don't have permission (although you have it blocked). If you want to completely disable any option, simply hide it from the config.
- Fixed the list of authorized players in the lockers, it was not displayed correctly when there were more than 6 authorized players.
- Images of: cupboard.tool, hammer, metal.fragments, stones, wood and metal.refined have been added to my own website. Since sometimes some clients had problems with images that did not load from the Image Library itself.
- Added support for Notify and UINotify.
- Added option in config to disable gametip.
- BetterTC now supports the new TCLevels plugin. A button to access the level system will be displayed within the upgrade panel.
- Now makes a call to OnStructureUpgrade in case you have another plugin that blocks upgrading to a certain level.
- Corrected a spelling error.
- Added default upskin permission. Now it will not be necessary to reload the plugin after downloading the list of skins.
- Added option in the interface to enable/disable Downgrade (in case it is active in the config). This will serve to prevent some constructions from accidentally downgrading. By default it will appear disabled.
- Added option in the config ("Downgrade only Owner Entity Build") to allow only downgrading of entities built by the same player. This will prevent other players from downgrading a raided base, it is recommended to have this option activated.
- The working frequency system has been modified in the configuration. Now you can set different times depending on the work being done. So you can assign a cooldown between upgrades, another cooldown between repairs and another cooldown between reskin.
- TiersMode support. It is now compatible with the Tier system, so if you have a limited Tier, the upgrade to wood can only be upgraded to wood. If you have it made of stone, allow wood and stone,...
- Multicolor option has been added to the color palette.

