
AutoCodeLock 3.0.8

  • Added "adminAutoRights" bool to config to get rid of needed perms as admin
  • Pin-numbers do now accept also "0000" or any other number with leading zeros.
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Reactions: Diesel_42o
  • User PinCodes accept now a leading "0 in the pin, and even possible pins like "0000".
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Reactions: Diesel_42o
  • Fixed an older bug producing an NRE for OnEntityBuilt in combination with the permission autocodelock.nolockneed
  • Added ToolCupboard to the plugin functions and player options
  • Removed obsolete Reflection codeparts
  • Fixed "DoorCloser" exploit being used to take over door-codes
  • Added locker to the menu
    - Added localization
    - Added permission > autocodelock.deploylocker
    - Added command
  • Fixed Pin input;
    Forcing numbers not beginning with zero to prevent 3-digit codes
  • Hides now the PIN when player is in streamermode
  • Improved also some hooks the lower the check for them