Attack Helicopter Modifier

Attack Helicopter Modifier 1.2.1

Added inventory check
Added null checks for inventory
Fix for rust update
Added negative -value support for rocket damage to only be allowed in Raidable base or abandoned base zones.
Added "Block Seeker Missile Targeting Me": false,

Will Allow AttackHelicopters to not be targeted by seeker missiles.
Added movement settings to config.

"Movement Settings": {
    "Lift Fraction": 0.33,
    "Pitch Torque Scale": 8000.0,
    "Yaw Torque Scale": 8000.0,
    "Roll Torque Scale": 5200.0
Fix for to block targeting in safezones
Some rework on homing missiles if they deploy flairs missile will lose lock and miss.
Added ability to place Beancans in the storage and do a bomb run where x amount of the beancans will drop out the bottom and explode when they hit somthing. Driver uses USE key to deploy Passenger use the Attack_Third key to deploy.