UberTool - Admin's new Friend

UberTool - Admin's new Friend 1.4.42

One of the best Plugins EVER. Makes Building easy and removes the limits of placing deployables. Can only recommend this Plugin to every Admin here
Outstanding plugin, small issues but still works great! Sometimes get minor errors and failed hooks but it still works fine.
Nice Plugin... Collected money and now its real in my server. Can build easy and fast now. Place stuff everywhere and make creative things. Just needs some polish but i hope will see them soon.
my new Friend!
Cannot live without this plugin anymore, simply awesome.
Nice Plugin, Before i use some free Plugins and get a much of errors, i thought i have to wipe the Server to fix it but this Tool fix all the errors and is easier to use. You have to try it out :)
Excellent plugin, It's really useful. I love it, don't have more words.
one more time FujiKura make a awesome job, can wait for next updates, extreme recommended for admin that want create custom stuffs on your servers.
Excellent tool, the only thing I don't like is placing foundation near high walls is now impossible, it used to work like one two months back.
Very easy to use and get working. Worth buying!!! A MUST HAVE Plugin! :-) So grateful I purchased this!! Big Thanks to the creator of this plugin!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
This makes building a joy, can't recommend it strongly enough for admins. It makes building things like towns quick and easy. The recent changes in UI look good and work well.
As someone who likes to create crazy things, this plugin allows me to make some wacky, cool and fun things in game without the coding hassle. Highly recommended to anyone.
Been using it for 2-3 days and it's amazing. Haven't had any problems with it. Good job!
Excellent Coder, great plugins.
Lmfao 2 minutes with this tool cant think without it anymore +++++++
Don't try this tool, you won't want to build without it. You will be more efficient, effective and seriously it blow all other build tools away. Would love a "light" version for players.
This is a great plugin, one of the best tools for admins, ever. My favourite is building on areas where building is normally not allowed, like near radtowns and monuments. Do watch the intro videos to get an idea of all the possibilities this plugin provides. Definitely recommended!
Love this tool.. makes creating / placing things much faster and easier.. So much you can do with it !!!!!
Great plugin
This plugin is very creative and works wonderfully :) Great job Fujikura