- Required Dependencies
- https://umod.org/plugins/player-activity
Session Rewards is a plugin that integrates with RayMods' Player Activity to keep track of player information such as active time in a session to execute periodic console commands for when a player acheives their session playtime requirements.
• sessionrewards.admin - Allows the player to run the plugin's various commands.
These commands, with identical syntax, can be used in both chat and console. All commands have the same prefix aliases: `sesr`, `sessionrewards`, 'sre', & `sreward`.
• srewards help - Shows all commands and what they do.
• srewards add <repeating? t/f> <hours> <command> - Adds a new reward command.
• srewards remove <hours> - Removes the reward commands for the specified hour mark.
• srewards setinterval <seconds> - Change the activity polling interval.
• srewards reload - Reload the config files.
• srewards clear - Clears all player data.
• srewards recent <hours> - Get all saved rewards issues since <hours>.
• srewards purge <hours> - Purge all saved data older than <hours>
The first number in the "commands to execute past time" is for the hours of playtime required before it will activate. Can be a decimal point, if thats what you're into.
"Auto purge" will purge any player data that is older than 24 hours to save space.
"Only activates once" specifies if the command should run every time the activity is checked or not (configurable timing via the polling rate).
"Command list" is a list of commands that the plugin will run whenever the requirements are met.
Custom commands:
Free Version
If you don't want to pay for the paid version, that's totally okay! I didn't make this plugin just to make money, I made it so that other people could do what I've been struggling to do with my server. I feel as though the Lite version does what is needed, but I went ahead and made this one with a little bit of that extra customization just so that you could have a little bit more fine of a control over what is being done. You're fully welcome to use the free one!
Find it linked here!
• sessionrewards.admin - Allows the player to run the plugin's various commands.
These commands, with identical syntax, can be used in both chat and console. All commands have the same prefix aliases: `sesr`, `sessionrewards`, 'sre', & `sreward`.
• srewards help - Shows all commands and what they do.
• srewards add <repeating? t/f> <hours> <command> - Adds a new reward command.
• srewards remove <hours> - Removes the reward commands for the specified hour mark.
• srewards setinterval <seconds> - Change the activity polling interval.
• srewards reload - Reload the config files.
• srewards clear - Clears all player data.
• srewards recent <hours> - Get all saved rewards issues since <hours>.
• srewards purge <hours> - Purge all saved data older than <hours>
The first number in the "commands to execute past time" is for the hours of playtime required before it will activate. Can be a decimal point, if thats what you're into.
"Auto purge" will purge any player data that is older than 24 hours to save space.
"Only activates once" specifies if the command should run every time the activity is checked or not (configurable timing via the polling rate).
"Command list" is a list of commands that the plugin will run whenever the requirements are met.
Custom commands:
- sr: pm - Privately message whichever user has reached the award
- sr:gm - Globally message the server whenever a user as reach the award
- sr:cm - Send a message in the console whenever a user reaches the award. Good for logging
- {userID} - Will plug the player's steam ID in
- {name} - Will plug the player's name in
"General Settings": {
"Polling Rate (in seconds):": 300,
"Use prefix?": true,
"Auto purge old data?": true,
"Purge interval (in hours):": 48
"Reward Commands": {
"Commands to execute past time:": {
"1": [
"Only activates once?": true,
"Command list:": [
"sr:pm This is a private message.",
"sr:gm This is a global message.",
"sr:cm This is a console message."
"Conditional Commands:": {
"4": [
"Permission based?": false,
"Group based?": false,
"If group based, block access when in listed groups?": false,
"Only activates once?": true,
"Permission list (if permission based):": [
"Group list (if group based):": [
"Command list:": [
"say Hello world!"
Free Version
If you don't want to pay for the paid version, that's totally okay! I didn't make this plugin just to make money, I made it so that other people could do what I've been struggling to do with my server. I feel as though the Lite version does what is needed, but I went ahead and made this one with a little bit of that extra customization just so that you could have a little bit more fine of a control over what is being done. You're fully welcome to use the free one!
Find it linked here!