
SecurityCameras 0.2.37

Instant Player Favorite, Thanks!!!
love this mod!!! great work
a must,players love it
BAG - GODMOD player
Worked great but it seems to not load the security camera mod sometimes, i can get the text chat help commands but no action from the bot to place or use cameras, it worked for a moment about half an hour ago but no idea how
This was an instant favourite.
Yeah This give players a heads up while defending! Loved it!!!
This is so fun! Never need to leave my base now! Thanks for a great plugin and the players have made many alternatives entertainment show with them! Superb!
Amazing plugin, definitely recommended.
yeah its fun :)
I give this plugin 5 stars and like new public update but real rating is 4 stars because when place laptop and camera in radtown to make cool system and enter in camera radiation rises (like i am naked without suit) and at all cant use public feature. I hope soon there will be update with hotfix.
Yet another really great plugin by k1lly0u! Love this CCTV idea and how it functions. Overall a great plugin glad to see this as well as use it.
Easy to use 10/10 good job K1lly0u!
10/10 Mod!
It sounds great. It looks awesome. And it blows you away when you use it. Simple commands, with easy execution for an advanced plugin. Pretty sure this one will be on a ton of servers soon.
Love this, works amazingly well on my BNW server
killyou, ur monstro =] thx
Been waiting for this for a while now. Works even better than the video shows. A must have!!!!!!!!!!!
Greate plugin!