
SecurityCameras 0.2.37

Deploy security cameras around your base and view them by accessing a RustNET terminal

Public camera placement and registration to a public terminal

- Non-public security cameras are linked to the terminal via the base. Any camera on the base will be assigned to that terminal
- Non-public cameras can only be placed on building blocks
- Public security cameras must be placed using the target terminals ID number.
- Public cameras can be placed anywhere
- Players can cycle through available cameras by pressing JUMP or DUCK
- If the terminal is destroyed whilst a player is using it they will exit the controller
- Camera placement and controller access requires the user to be authorized on the TC

Chat Commands
/sc - Shows the help menu
/sc add - Activates the camera placement tool. (Requires a camera in the users hands)
/sc add public <terminal ID> - Activates the camera placement tool. (Requires a camera in the users hands)
/sc name <name> - Set a name for the camera you are looking at which will be displayed in the RustNET console and UI overlay when controlling the camera
/sc remove - Removes the camera you are looking at

securitycameras.use - Required to use any element of this plugin
securitycameras.ignorelimit - Ignore the max limit of cameras per base
securitycameras.public - Allows you to place public cameras

  "Camera Options": {
    "Allow friends and clan members to place/remove cameras": false,
    "Require building privilege to place/remove cameras": false,
    "Maximum allowed cameras per base (Permission | Amount)": {
      "securitycameras.use": 4,
      "": 10
    "Camera placement and removal distance": 4,
    "Display camera overlay UI": true,
    "Camera overlay image URL": "",
    "Camera icon URL for RustNET menu": ""
  "Version": {
    "Major": 0,
    "Minor": 2,
    "Patch": 10


First release
Last update
4.82 star(s) 22 ratings

Latest Release v0.2.37

Sep 10, 2024 at 1:41 AM
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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SecurityCameras by k1lly0u
© Jan 3, 2018

Latest reviews

Instant Player Favorite, Thanks!!!
love this mod!!! great work
a must,players love it
BAG - GODMOD player
Worked great but it seems to not load the security camera mod sometimes, i can get the text chat help commands but no action from the bot to place or use cameras, it worked for a moment about half an hour ago but no idea how
This was an instant favourite.
Yeah This give players a heads up while defending! Loved it!!!
This is so fun! Never need to leave my base now! Thanks for a great plugin and the players have made many alternatives entertainment show with them! Superb!
Amazing plugin, definitely recommended.
yeah its fun :)