Save/Load State enables players to create multiple save points of their game state and load them later. Perfect for servers that want to give players more flexibility in managing their progress and recovery options.Features
- Load and save player states including inventory, position, and metabolism.
- Configurable cooldown system for state loading.
- Building blocked validation.
- Modern UI interface for state management.
- Automatic cleanup of expired states.
- Configurable maximum saves per player.
- saveloadstate.use - Allows use of all save/load commands
- saveloadstate.bypasscooldown - Allows bypassing the configured cooldown.
- / <name> - Save current state
- /ls.load <name> - Load a saved state
- /ls.remove <name> - Remove a saved state
- /ls.list - List all saved states and open UI
"Save Player Position": true,
"Save Main Inventory": true,
"Save Belt Inventory": true,
"Save Wear Inventory": true,
"Maximum Save States Per Player": 5,
"Save State Expiry Time (Hours)": 72,
"Load State Cooldown (Seconds)": 300.0,
"Block Save When Building Blocked": true,
"Block Load When Building Blocked": true,
"Metabolism Settings": {
"Save Health": true,
"Save Calories": true,
"Save Hydration": true,
"Save Temperature": true,
"Save Poison": true,
"Save Radiation": true,
"Save Bleeding": true
"NoPermission": "<color=#FF4C4C>*</color> You don't have permission to use this command",
"SaveSyntax": "<color=#FFA500>Usage:</color> / <name>",
"LoadSyntax": "<color=#FFA500>Usage:</color> /ls.load <name>",
"RemoveSyntax": "<color=#FFA500>Usage:</color> /ls.remove <name>",
"StateSaved": "<color=#7FFF00>✓</color> State '<color=#FFA500>{0}</color>' saved successfully",
"StateLoaded": "<color=#7FFF00>✓</color> State '<color=#FFA500>{0}</color>' loaded successfully",
"StateNotFound": "<color=#FF4C4C>*</color> No state found with name '<color=#FFA500>{0}</color>'",
"StateRemoved": "<color=#7FFF00>✓</color> State '<color=#FFA500>{0}</color>' removed",
"MaxSaveStatesReached": "<color=#FF4C4C>*</color> Maximum saves ({0}) reached",
"NoSavedStates": "<color=#FF4C4C>*</color> You have no saved states",
"SaveStateInfo": "<color=#FFA500>*</color> {0} - Saved {1} ago",
"UITitle": "<color=#FFA500>Saved States</color>",
"BuildingBlockedSave": "<color=#FF4C4C>*</color> Cannot save state while building blocked",
"BuildingBlockedLoad": "<color=#FF4C4C>*</color> Cannot load state while building blocked"
Data Structure
"PlayerStates": {
"76561198123456789": {
"home": {
"MainInventory": [],
"BeltInventory": [],
"WearInventory": [],
"Position": {"x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0},
"Metabolism": {
"Health": 100.0,
"Calories": 500.0,
"Hydration": 250.0,
"Temperature": 32.0,
"Poison": 0.0,
"Radiation": 0.0,
"Bleeding": 0.0
"SaveTime": "2024-01-20T12:00:00Z"
Caveats and Disclaimers
- This tool can be used as an item duplication tool. There are various cooldowns, expirations, and controls around this tool, but please only give access to players you trust. This tool is powerful and can be easily abused if not careful.
- If you change maps frequently, consider setting "Save Player Position" to FALSE. This will prevent invalid player positions and moving players under/above the terrain when the map changes.
Thank You For Your Support
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