Rideable Horses

Rideable Horses 3.1.11

awesome 8)
Nice plugin but very difficult to control turns too often hope for an update
This plugin is super cool! But very glitchy. The horses constantly spin around. Afew of the others do it too on occasion, but it's super fun when it works right! I laughed pretty hard when I hopped on a chicken! Please fix the spinning issue. This would be PERFECT if that were fixed.
great mod!! a++
Dont buy it yet. i dont see how people can say this actually runs smooth! Its laggy, from time to time the horse spins itself around 180 degrees for no reason. only 2 out of 5 animals listed actually work. and then the spawn issue.. when you spawn a horse it nearly kicks you to death before you can mount it or it just simply runs off.

Correct me if im wrong.
This new version is very smooth and is implemented in a way that seems to remove the clipping issues that plagued the previous versions. Recommend this once again and would like to thank K1lly0u for finally giving us an update!
Very nice now it has been fixed. Thanks for the update
very nice plugin .. easy to use and my players love it
Been waiting several months yet still no update!
This plugin is full of bugs ....
The author has not been online for some time ..... hopefully nothing happened to her.
But if you do not have time to manage this plugin, you should at least tell your CUSTOMER.
I feel a bit ripped off.
It was a great plugin at first. Since then it's become unmaintained by the developer and has a lot of bugs. Your always underneath the horse or in the map when riding. It's been that way for months now. :(
Can you ride horses? Kinda
Is it fun? Not really.
My players never even use it... the horse spins around to face the other way constantly randomly, but he also does it if you go near anything too... a building, a rock, a slight change in elevation..

Can't recommend to buy in this state and development seems to have halted so... 2/5
As of June 2018, plugin is no longer usable in my opinion. When you get on a horse it feels like you're driving a real sloppy version of the car. Spins in circles, slips and slides everywhere.
cool :)
LOVE this plugin ! and the chicken ridding is a huge hit!
Great plugin our players absolutely love it.
Love the plugin and so do my players! This is a fun and unique plugin to have. I feel this is better balanced than having cars all over.
Cool :)
Pretty nifty but I have found that looting crates from horseback can cause the chair to fall off making the horse non rideable. Upon killing it the horse spawn at my stable also seemed to be deleted. Minor issue but if a fix is possible it would be appreciated.