Remote Turrets

Remote Turrets 0.2.52

5STARS. Works great!
Good version and integration with RustNET. Also fast and nice support from developer who fixes bugs as soon as he can.
very nice plugin .. easy to use and my players love it
Amazing plugin, keep up the updates and good work.
Now with the new RustNET system, this remote turret plugin is the best one made ever! Simple to setup and perfect for defence!
Becouse RustNET came out i had to have this mod aswell a very good job K1lly0u!
Should add the laser feature :0
Nice config and works well. But after you exit you still are in thirdperson.
You can't switch back to the correct first person view because it is handled client side. This only affects admin and does not affect players as the client side code reverts them to the correct view automatically