Npc Raiders

Npc Raiders 1.7.6

They will raid your base tell they find the tc or the time set in the config runs out or you kill all npc waves.

Only People authorized on the tc they are going after can kill the npc and only the npc can attack them.

You can use kits plugin from umod to kit them with clothing and guns See config example below.

Perms are set in config per raid type.

npcraiders.use - Needed to use /raidme chat command.
npcraiders.admin - Needed to use /raidme reload chat command.
npcraiders.nocooldown - Disable the setting of your cooldown.
npcraiders.nocost - Disable the being charged.

Chat Command
/raidme - Will show raid help menu.
/raidme buy - Will show raid buy help menu and costs.
/raidme buy <type> - To start raid of the type.
/raidme reload player <playerName> = Will cancel there raid event.
/raidme reload all - Will cancel all events.
/raidme terrain - Get Terrain name your standing on.
/raidme loot - Generate a loot profile with all the items in your inventory

Loot Profiles
/raidme loot add <profileName> - Create or add more items to a profile
/raidme loot clear <profileName> - Clear all information from a profile

When you create a loot profile you will need to edit its datafile and set the min and max amount of items to give.. There you can change other min/max for item ammounts default is 1 to Amount when created

Config BuyType
ByTypes can be "Itemid" , "ServerRewards", or "Economics"
Default is scrap "-932201673"

RewardType can be "Itemid" , "ServerRewards", "Economics" , or "kit"
"enabled": true,
"rewardAll": false,
"RewardType": "kit",
"RewardAmmount": "MyKitName"

----------------------- Random kit ----------------------------
"RewardAmmount": [ "kit1", "kit2" ]
"enabled": true,
"rewardAll": false,
"RewardType": "-932201673",
"RewardAmmount": 50
"enabled": true,
"rewardAll": false,
"RewardType": "serverrewards",
"RewardAmmount": 150

"AutoTurretDamage": 0.0 - Disable targeting the npc.
"AutoTurretDamage": 1.0 - Full damage to the npc / Range is 0.0 to 1.0.

  "Random settings": {
    "Chat command": "raidme",
    "The Maxum amount of raid events that can go on at once": 6,
    "Cooldown before you can call in another raid": 3600,
    "Cooldown after authorising on a tc be for you can start a raid": 86400,
    "The maxum amount of time a rocket will fly before exploding": 4.0,
    "Limit the damage to players building": false
  "All Raid Types": {
    "Raid types must be in lowercase": {
      "easy": {
        "The Permission": "npcraiders.easy",
        "Total npcs per wave": 15,
        "How many extra waves": 0,
        "Seconds untell next wave": 120,
        "Total event time in seconds": 640,
        "Npc drop loot on death": true,
        "Npc drop loot config names": [
        "Spawn health of the npc": 100.0,
        "Rocket damage scale": 0.01,
        "Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0,
        "Explosive item shortnames": [
        "Names to give the npcs": [
          "Cobalt Scientist"
        "Spawn kits for the npcs": []
      "medium": {
        "The Permission": "npcraiders.medium",
        "Total npcs per wave": 15,
        "How many extra waves": 3,
        "Seconds untell next wave": 120,
        "Total event time in seconds": 900,
        "Npc drop loot on death": true,
        "Npc drop loot config names": [],
        "Spawn health of the npc": 200.0,
        "Rocket damage scale": 1.0,
        "Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0,
        "Explosive item shortnames": [
        "Names to give the npcs": [
          "Cobalt Scientist"
        "Spawn kits for the npcs": []
      "hard": {
        "The Permission": "npcraiders.hard",
        "Total npcs per wave": 20,
        "How many extra waves": 4,
        "Seconds untell next wave": 120,
        "Total event time in seconds": 1200,
        "Npc drop loot on death": true,
        "Npc drop loot config names": [],
        "Spawn health of the npc": 400.0,
        "Rocket damage scale": 1.0,
        "Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0,
        "Explosive item shortnames": [
        "Names to give the npcs": [
          "Cobalt Scientist"
        "Spawn kits for the npcs": []
      "expert": {
        "The Permission": "",
        "Total npcs per wave": 30,
        "How many extra waves": 4,
        "Seconds untell next wave": 120,
        "Total event time in seconds": 1500,
        "Npc drop loot on death": true,
        "Npc drop loot config names": [],
        "Spawn health of the npc": 400.0,
        "Rocket damage scale": 1.0,
        "Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0,
        "Explosive item shortnames": [
        "Names to give the npcs": [
          "Cobalt Scientist"
        "Spawn kits for the npcs": []
      "nightmare": {
        "The Permission": "npcraiders.nightmare",
        "Total npcs per wave": 30,
        "How many extra waves": 5,
        "Seconds untell next wave": 120,
        "Total event time in seconds": 2100,
        "Npc drop loot on death": true,
        "Npc drop loot config names": [],
        "Spawn health of the npc": 400.0,
        "Rocket damage scale": 1.0,
        "Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0,
        "Explosive item shortnames": [
        "Names to give the npcs": [
          "Cobalt Scientist"
        "Spawn kits for the npcs": []
  "Raid Buy Options": {
    "BuyOptions": {
      "easy": {
        "BuyType": "-932201673",
        "BuyAmmount": 5000
      "medium": {
        "BuyType": "-932201673",
        "BuyAmmount": 1000
      "hard": {
        "BuyType": "-932201673",
        "BuyAmmount": 1500
      "expert": {
        "BuyType": "-932201673",
        "BuyAmmount": 1500
      "nightmare": {
        "BuyType": "-932201673",
        "BuyAmmount": 1500
  "Raid Reward Options": {
    "RewardOptions": {
      "easy": {
        "enabled": true,
        "rewardAll": false,
        "RewardType": "kit",
        "RewardAmmount": [
      "medium": {
        "enabled": false,
        "rewardAll": false,
        "RewardType": "-932201673",
        "RewardAmmount": 1000
      "hard": {
        "enabled": false,
        "rewardAll": false,
        "RewardType": "-932201673",
        "RewardAmmount": 1500
      "expert": {
        "enabled": false,
        "rewardAll": false,
        "RewardType": "-932201673",
        "RewardAmmount": 1500
      "nightmare": {
        "enabled": false,
        "rewardAll": false,
        "RewardType": "-932201673",
        "RewardAmmount": 1500
  "Block raid in colider": {
    "Blocked": [
  "Version": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 1,
    "Patch": 15


First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 12 ratings

Latest Release v1.7.6

Sep 10, 2024 at 7:58 AM
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

More resources from Razor

Npc Raiders by Razor
© Nov 14, 2021

Latest reviews

Honestly, this plugin / feature is top tier!
it makes PVE or PVP servers extremely fun and gives a really neat way to entertain you and friends or solo depending on how the server owners configure it, this can offer players so much replay value too.
the loot table separation makes it even better and how well you can configure this, so you could even make difficulties that require like a clan or something to get rare or custom loots for whatever server you run.
Razors support and reply to support tickets or questions are also SUPERB, honestly doesnt get better than that.
Super plugin! very fun to get raided :D
LOL! This mod is pretty cool. I changed 2 boolean and the NPC would kill off the raiders then finish raiding me. It would be cool if you have npc defenders for when you are solo and need help against a zerg.
I love this plugin, its easy to configure, simple to use and great fun. the plugin is regularly updated and the developer is as helpful as they are skilled which is to say incredibly! If you're not convinced by the video alone you should know its every bit as awesome as it looks.
After roughly 8.5K hours of this game, this might be the sexiest plugin I've used to date. So much fun! Thanks Razor
Very cool plug in, works as described. The developer is constantly updating it and listening to feedback which makes the price point worth it.
Great Plugin!, Love this, so good for RP/PvE servers, Id Like to see a random raid option added in the feature, it would really give servers more activity, being low-pop and randomly/unexpectedly raided, by easy or medium tier Raiders, makes it feel more realistic and authentic as a rust experience
Works like a charm. Some of the NPC's can shoot Rockets in random directions but doesn't seem to be an issue as players just love this. Have a PvE server and works just as planned. Great work and happy with this purchase.
Razor has been amazing at helping make this plugin more attractable to a larger audience. Plugin has worked as designed in testing so far. Looking forward to releasing it live to the players on my servers at the start of the next force wipe.
Great Plugin and dev is on top of keeping it updated and FAST to answer any problems. Takes a minute to calibrate as players with turrets will tear through the waves like candy lol.
turn the turret damage down and they will be like wtf lol.