Helicopter Assist
Advanced helicopter control system featuring hover mode, emergency recovery, and intelligent auto-landing capabilities.
Smart Hover Mode - Lock your helicopter in position with perfect stability.
Emergency Recovery - Instantly stabilize and recover from dangerous situations.
Intelligent Auto-Landing - Obstacle, environment, and collision avoidance.
*Works with ALL flyable helicopters!*
/ha hover | Toggle hover mode on/off
/ha recover | Activate emergency recovery system
/ha land | Initiate intelligent auto-landing sequence
helicopterassist.use - Allows access to all helicopter assist features
Caveats and Disclaimers
Landing on even terrain works the best for the auto-landing feature. It will avoid common obstacles, water sources, cliffs, trees, etc. However, uneven terrain can cause the auto-landing to behave unpredictably. This will continue to be improved upon.
If you’ve enjoyed using this plugin and it’s made your Rust experience better, consider supporting me! Your contributions help me keep these plugins updated, add new features, and create more awesome tools for the community.
Any amount is greatly appreciated! Whether it’s the cost of a cup of coffee or more, every bit helps me dedicate more time to improving the Rust community. Thank you for your support!
Premium Hosting by Rocket Node
Advanced helicopter control system featuring hover mode, emergency recovery, and intelligent auto-landing capabilities.
Smart Hover Mode - Lock your helicopter in position with perfect stability.
Emergency Recovery - Instantly stabilize and recover from dangerous situations.
Intelligent Auto-Landing - Obstacle, environment, and collision avoidance.
*Works with ALL flyable helicopters!*
/ha hover | Toggle hover mode on/off
/ha recover | Activate emergency recovery system
/ha land | Initiate intelligent auto-landing sequence
helicopterassist.use - Allows access to all helicopter assist features
Caveats and Disclaimers
Landing on even terrain works the best for the auto-landing feature. It will avoid common obstacles, water sources, cliffs, trees, etc. However, uneven terrain can cause the auto-landing to behave unpredictably. This will continue to be improved upon.
"MaxLandingHeight": 30.0, // Height limit to start landing
"SafeLandingRadius": 20.0, // Distance to scan for landing spots
"ObstacleCheckRadius": 7.5, // Range for detecting objects
"LowAltitudeRadius": 12.0, // Detection range near ground
"DescentSpeedHigh": 10.0, // High altitude descent rate
"DescentSpeedMed": 7.0, // Mid altitude descent rate
"DescentSpeedLow": 5.0, // Low altitude descent rate
"DescentSpeedVeryLow": 3.0, // Very low altitude descent rate
"DescentSpeedFinal": 1.0, // Landing touchdown rate
"HoverMovementThreshold": 0.5, // Movement detection range
"HoverCheckInterval": 0.1, // Movement check timing
"RecoveryHeight": 60.0 // Emergency recovery elevation
"NoPermission": "{PREFIX}You don't have permission to use this command",
"NotPiloting": "{PREFIX}You must be piloting a helicopter to use this command",
"Usage": "{PREFIX}Usage: /ha <hover|recover|land>",
"Controls": "{PREFIX}Helicopter Assist Commands:\n<color=#ffcc66>/ha hover</color> - Toggle hover mode\n<color=#ffcc66>/ha recover</color> - Emergency recovery\n<color=#ffcc66>/ha land</color> - Auto landing",
"HoverEnabled": "{PREFIX}Hover mode <color=#b0fa66>enabled</color>",
"HoverDisabled": "{PREFIX}Hover mode <color=#ff6666>disabled</color>",
"RecoveryActivated": "{PREFIX}Emergency recovery system <color=#b0fa66>activated</color>",
"AutoLandingInitiated": "{PREFIX}Auto-landing sequence <color=#b0fa66>initiated</color>. Hold on tight!",
"AutoLandingCancelled": "{PREFIX}Auto-landing sequence <color=#ff6666>cancelled</color>",
"AutoLandingComplete": "{PREFIX}Landing <color=#b0fa66>complete</color>. Welcome to solid ground!",
"AboveWater": "{PREFIX}<color=#ff6666>Cannot initiate auto-landing above water</color>. Please find solid ground.",
"TooHigh": "{PREFIX}<color=#ff6666>Too high to initiate auto-landing</color>. Please descend below {0}m first.",
"UnsafeTerrain": "{PREFIX}<color=#ff6666>Cannot land here</color>. Surface is too steep or unstable.",
"SearchingLandingZone": "{PREFIX}Searching for safe landing zone...",
"LandingZoneFound": "{PREFIX}<color=#b0fa66>Safe landing zone located</color>. Beginning descent.",
"ObstacleDetected": "{PREFIX}<color=#ff6666>Obstacles detected</color>. Relocating to safer area."
Thank You For Your Support
Hey there!If you’ve enjoyed using this plugin and it’s made your Rust experience better, consider supporting me! Your contributions help me keep these plugins updated, add new features, and create more awesome tools for the community.
Any amount is greatly appreciated! Whether it’s the cost of a cup of coffee or more, every bit helps me dedicate more time to improving the Rust community. Thank you for your support!
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