Entity Radar

Entity Radar 0.2.3

Display a radar styled tracking system for nearby entities for players with permission. Each detection type has its own permission so you can allow or disallow the various types to each player.

/radar - Shows the help menu
/radar enable - Enables the radar
/radar disable - Disables the radar
/radar res <aspectratio> - Change the size of the radar depending on your aspect ratio

Adjusting the shown radar blips (per player)
Players can toggle on/off radar blips for any entity types that they are allowed as set out in their radar config. Simply click the settings icon above the radar to open the entity selection menu

Config Options
AutoloadRadar - By setting this to true it will load the radar straight to the player when they join the server

Radar Settings (permission -> settings) - These are custom radar settings based on permissions. By granting a user the permission specified that will be the radar style they will be able to use

ForcedRadarMode - This is the default radar all players will receive. By enabling this the user will adopt those radar settings (provided they do not have any permissions from the Radar Settings category)

Screen ratio sizes - These are various sizes for the UI based on the aspect ratio of the users monitor. Each user will be able to switch the ratio at any point using the provided chat commands to adjust the size of their radar

Radar Settings
In the detection usage section of the config you can pre-set radar options based on the permission granted to the user
"entityradar.admin": { // This is the permission to use this radar configuration
      "DetectionRadius": 75.0, // The radar detection radius
      "DetectionTypes": { // The detection types that the user will be allowed select
        "Clanmates": true,
        "DangerousAnimals": true,
        "Friends": true,
        "HarmlessAnimals": true,
        "Loot": true,
        "Players": true,
        "Resources": true
      "OffTime": 0.0, // Explained below
      "RefreshRate": 0.2 // The refresh rate of the radar blips
You can edit these, or add as many new entries as you like. When adding entries make sure to take note of the formatting of the entry including these symbols " : [ ] { } ,

Forced Radar Mode
This is the default radar configuration for each user. If they do not have one of the preset permissions but are allowed to use the radar then this is the radar config they will use. If the user has one of the preset permissions then that will be the radar config they will have

What are 'RefreshRate' and 'OffTime'?
RefreshRate is the time in seconds the 'blips' will refresh on the radar. By default this is set to 0.2 seconds, however you will most likely want to increase this value to improve performance of the plugin. Consider this, each time the blips are refreshed all nearby entity positions are recalculated in relation to the player, a new CUI panel is generated using that information and then the user is sent that data. While you may not notice this by yourself, if you have 100 people using it at the same time then there is alot going on behind the scenes
OffTime is the amount of time in seconds per refresh in which the blips will not be visible to the player. By increasing this number it will give the blips a flashing effect

Guide to add customize blips
Each blip type has a hex color assigned in the config, you can change these to suit your liking. You can also change the size of the blips

RadarOverlay / View range limiting
It is possible to overlay a image ontop of the radar to limit the players view range. To do this you need to do the following;
1) Create the overlay image, this must have a section cutout which will be the players "view area" and must be solid in color (transparency will only allows the blips to be shown underneath"
2) Upload the image to the internet and copy the URL into the ImageUrls section of the config under the title "RadarOverlay"
Once these 2 steps have been achieved reload the plugin and the overlay will be over the top of the UI. Please note that by doing this you are increasing the performance impact of the plugin as you will be sending a whole other image to the client. How much of a impact will it make? I have no idea, try it and find out :p

Permissions and Groups
This has support for switching out permissions to individual players and groups. By granting or revoking one of the permissions specified in the config, all users/groups with that permission and a open radar will be adjusted accordingly

  "Radar Settings (permission -> settings)": {
    "entityradar.admin": {
      "Types": {
        "Clanmates": true,
        "DangerousAnimals": true,
        "Friends": true,
        "HarmlessAnimals": true,
        "Helicopter": true,
        "Loot": true,
        "NPCs": true,
        "Players": true,
        "Resources": true,
        "Sleepers": true,
        "SupplyDrops": true
      "Radius": 75.0,
      "RefreshRate": 0.2,
      "OffTime": 0.0
    "entityradar.default": {
      "Types": {
        "Clanmates": true,
        "DangerousAnimals": true,
        "Friends": true,
        "HarmlessAnimals": true,
        "Helicopter": false,
        "Loot": false,
        "NPCs": false,
        "Players": false,
        "Resources": false,
        "Sleepers": false,
        "SupplyDrops": false
      "Radius": 50.0,
      "RefreshRate": 0.2,
      "OffTime": 0.0
    "entityradar.friends": {
      "Types": {
        "Clanmates": true,
        "DangerousAnimals": false,
        "Friends": true,
        "HarmlessAnimals": false,
        "Helicopter": false,
        "Loot": false,
        "NPCs": false,
        "Players": false,
        "Resources": false,
        "Sleepers": false,
        "SupplyDrops": false
      "Radius": 50.0,
      "RefreshRate": 0.2,
      "OffTime": 0.0
    "entityradar.loot": {
      "Types": {
        "Clanmates": false,
        "DangerousAnimals": false,
        "Friends": false,
        "HarmlessAnimals": false,
        "Helicopter": false,
        "Loot": true,
        "NPCs": false,
        "Players": false,
        "Resources": true,
        "Sleepers": false,
        "SupplyDrops": true
      "Radius": 50.0,
      "RefreshRate": 0.2,
      "OffTime": 0.0
  "UI Settings": {
    "Blip size": 16,
    "Blip colors (hex)": {
      "Clanmates": "3895d3",
      "NPCs": "ff0000",
      "DangerousAnimals": "ff0000",
      "Friends": "3895d3",
      "HarmlessAnimals": "bcf758",
      "Helicopter": "ff0000",
      "Loot": "ffd700",
      "Players": "ff0000",
      "Resources": "bcf758",
      "Sleepers": "ff0000",
      "SupplyDrops": "ffd700"
    "Screen ratio sizes": {
      "16x9": {
        "Left (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.815,
        "Bottom (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.17,
        "Right (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.99,
        "Top (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.47
      "16x10": {
        "Left (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.815,
        "Bottom (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.17,
        "Right (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.99,
        "Top (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.44
      "21x9": {
        "Left (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.815,
        "Bottom (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.17,
        "Right (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.99,
        "Top (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.47
      "5x4": {
        "Left (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.815,
        "Bottom (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.17,
        "Right (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.99,
        "Top (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.39
      "4x3": {
        "Left (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.815,
        "Bottom (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.17,
        "Right (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.99,
        "Top (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.405
    "Background image URL": "http://www.rustedit.io/images/radar_background.png",
    "Settings image URL": "http://www.rustedit.io/images/settingsicon.png",
    "Overlay image URL": "",
    "Button text size": 12
  "AutoloadRadar": true,
  "ForcedRadarMode": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Settings": {
      "Types": {
        "Clanmates": false,
        "DangerousAnimals": false,
        "Friends": false,
        "HarmlessAnimals": false,
        "Helicopter": false,
        "Loot": true,
        "NPCs": false,
        "Players": false,
        "Resources": true,
        "Sleepers": false,
        "SupplyDrops": true
      "Radius": 50.0,
      "RefreshRate": 0.2,
      "OffTime": 0.0
  "Version": {
    "Major": 0,
    "Minor": 2,
    "Patch": 0


First release
Last update
4.33 star(s) 3 ratings

Latest Release v0.2.3

Sep 10, 2024 at 1:46 AM
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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Entity Radar by k1lly0u
© chaoscode.io Feb 8, 2017

Latest reviews

nice job!
Probably the coolest plugin for rust I have ever used! Thanks for this!