Discord Clans

Discord Clans 0.1.2

No permission to download
This plugin will only work with Clans Reborn and requires the Discord extension!

Logs clan change events and team chat from Clans Reborn to your Discord guild

Supports the following events;
Clan Creation
Member Invites
Member Invite Rejected
Member Invite Withdrawn
Members Joining
Members Leaving
Members Kicked
Members Promoted
Members Demoted
Clan Disbanded
Alliance Invites
Alliance Invite Withdrawn
Alliance Invite Rejected
Alliance Invite Accepted
Alliance Withdrawn
Team, Clan and Ally Chat

Creating the bot
Follow the instructions here to create a bot

Inviting the bot to your Discord guild
To invite your bot to your Discord guild, copy the following URL and replace the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX with your applications Client ID

Each event has customizable settings in the config.
"Logs enabled for this message type" - Enable/Disable this event from being logged
"Log Channel Name" - The name of the Discord channel you wish to log this event to
"Embed Color (hex)" - The color of the embed. This should be a 6 digit hex value with a # prefix

"Create": {
      "Logs enabled for this message type": true,
      "Log Channel Name": "clanlog",
      "Embed Color (hex)": "#e91e63"

  "Discord Settings": {
    "Bot Token": "",
    "Bot Client ID": "",
    "Enable Discord debug mode": false
  "Log Settings": {
    "Create": {
      "Logs enabled for this message type": true,
      "Log Channel Name": "clanlog",
      "Embed Color (hex)": "#e91e63"
    "Invite": {
      "Logs enabled for this message type": true,
      "Log Channel Name": "clanlog",
      "Embed Color (hex)": "#9b59b6"
    "InviteReject": {
      "Logs enabled for this message type": true,
      "Log Channel Name": "clanlog",
      "Embed Color (hex)": "#71368a"
    "InviteWithdrawn": {
      "Logs enabled for this message type": true,
      "Log Channel Name": "clanlog",
      "Embed Color (hex)": "#71368a"
    "Join": {
      "Logs enabled for this message type": true,
      "Log Channel Name": "clanlog",
      "Embed Color (hex)": "#3498db"
    "Leave": {
      "Logs enabled for this message type": true,
      "Log Channel Name": "clanlog",
      "Embed Color (hex)": "#206694"
    "Kick": {
      "Logs enabled for this message type": true,
      "Log Channel Name": "clanlog",
      "Embed Color (hex)": "#992d22"
    "Promote": {
      "Logs enabled for this message type": true,
      "Log Channel Name": "clanlog",
      "Embed Color (hex)": "#f1c40f"
    "Demote": {
      "Logs enabled for this message type": true,
      "Log Channel Name": "clanlog",
      "Embed Color (hex)": "#c27c0e"
    "Disband": {
      "Logs enabled for this message type": true,
      "Log Channel Name": "clanlog",
      "Embed Color (hex)": "#ad1457"
    "AllianceInvite": {
      "Logs enabled for this message type": true,
      "Log Channel Name": "clanlog",
      "Embed Color (hex)": "#95a5a6"
    "AllianceInviteReject": {
      "Logs enabled for this message type": true,
      "Log Channel Name": "clanlog",
      "Embed Color (hex)": "#95a5a6"
    "AllianceInviteWithdrawn": {
      "Logs enabled for this message type": true,
      "Log Channel Name": "clanlog",
      "Embed Color (hex)": "#95a5a6"
    "AllianceAccept": {
      "Logs enabled for this message type": true,
      "Log Channel Name": "clanlog",
      "Embed Color (hex)": "#95a5a6"
    "AllianceWithdrawn": {
      "Logs enabled for this message type": true,
      "Log Channel Name": "clanlog",
      "Embed Color (hex)": "#95a5a6"
    "Chat": {
      "Logs enabled for this message type": true,
      "Log Channel Name": "clanlog",
      "Embed Color (hex)": "#607d8b"
  "Version": {
    "Major": 0,
    "Minor": 1,
    "Patch": 0


First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 4 ratings

Latest Release v0.1.2

Sep 9, 2021 at 7:15 AM
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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Discord Clans by k1lly0u
© chaoscode.io Jan 22, 2021

Latest reviews

everything works great as advertised. really a cool addition to any servers discord.
Thank you for this!

Can we get options to also log clan/ally chat?
thank you