Chest Stacks

Chest Stacks 1.4.1

so far i am loving this mod. i am not having the issues that others are.
Came back 1-2 years after to see if the random loss of item is still there and it is. I do not recommend this plugin if you don't like player complaints. **All stack chests breaks if you remove/break something around it which makes it not reliable at all.**
Amazing mate, love the space saved
Works Great. Players love it! Thanks for the plugin.
Absolutely love this. As a (preferred) PVE player, I like things to be nice and organized while saving as much space as I can. This helps me utilize space in the most efficient way possible especially in the loot room. My loot rooms will also be very sexy-looking from here on out. (:

Thanks for the plugin!
awesome stuff, enhanced my server coolshit rating and great support, definitely worth the 5 rating :)
Bought this plugin a month ago, had an issue where boxes became unstacked and players lost a lot of stuff. Works great as long as boxes don't disappear. Like someone else said not much fun listening to players complain.
Love the Plugin! Works like a charm as Advertised!!! Thank You!
I would have given a 5, if the plugin didnt paste default boxes when you are trying to use a skinned item. Otherwise, it is an amazing plugin
Great plugin, just wish you could stack coffins. Hopefully this will be added soon?
Everyone on my servers love this plugin, sometimes placement of the first box if too close to something will block the stack but if they remove and retry it works! Just wish we could config large boxes separate from small boxes!
Work's as advertised
I have just bought this plugin today and it does not work at all on my server. If there is a fix I will rate better.
The plugin works, post your issue in the support thread.
been using this plugin for a couple months now. The stacked boxes break at random. Players lose their loot when they're not online to pick it up. I originally gave it a 5 star as the plugin is simple and straight forward to install and seemingly works great at first. I hope the dev manages to fix whatever is wrong with it and i'll be happy to test it on my server when the next update is released but for now, I'm done listening to players complain about lost loot due to this error.
I truly apologise for this! Code-wise the plugin has no issue, there is for sure something wrong that can be either a rust issue or a plugin interfering, I wasn't ever able to re-create it on my server and I both re-written the chest handler and the kill hook so it should've never disappeared again but assuming your review is still doing it. I am still trying to find a cause.
The worst plugin I have purchased and regret paying for it. This plugin has not worked properly since I had it. Boxes randomly break and you lose all your stuff. Talk about an admin nightmare. I would recommend passing on this plugin for sure.
I am really sorry to hear that, still trying to re-create the exact issue on my server and fix the existing cause. Once I do that an update will be pushed.
Excelent, Add coffins !!
brilliant plugin however wish coffins could stack!
works perfectly, good idea
This is a hit with my players. thank you!