
ChaosNPC 3.0.13

No permission to download
This extension does nothing on its own, it is merely an API used by other plugins of mine that use a custom AI for NPCs

To install the extension simply download this plugin, the plugin will download the extension for you

If the extension is not already loaded on your server the plugin will load it straight away

The extension self updates so you will not need to worry about staying up to date

For those running TruePVE or similar plugin
You will need to add a exclusion for the specific type of NPC this plugin uses which is CustomScientistNPC

Chat Commands

/wipenpcs - Removes all NPCs spawned via this extension from the map

Console Commands
chaosnpc.checkupdate - Runs the update check and downloads a update if available
wipenpcs - Removes all NPCs spawned via this extension from the map


First release
Last update
4.20 star(s) 5 ratings

Latest Release v3.0.13

Nov 20, 2023 at 6:33 AM
3.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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ChaosNPC by k1lly0u
© Mar 6, 2021

Latest reviews

Spawning Npc's outside of the event. I have reached out on discord support with no response.
Thanks for your work, Always working and Consistent.
5 stars because it helps so many good plugins work
Awesome TY!