
Baccarat 0.1.2

This plugin requires Casino!

Create Blackjack tables for players to bet and try to win scrap

Creating a game:
^ Video shows BlackJack, but its the same process for Baccarat

Creating a game is simple, place a table down (do not place chairs) and type the create command.
/casino create <type> <maximum players> <minimum bet> <maximum bet>
Replace <type> with "Baccarat" for this game
Replace <maximum players> with the amount of players you want allow for this game (Limit of 4 per game)
Replace <minimum bet> and <maximum bet> with the bet range for that table.
ex. "/casino create blackjack 4 50 500" - Create a table for 4 players with a betting range of 50-500

Once you type that command the table will spawn enough chairs for the amount of players and the game will be active.

Joining a game:
Simply sit down on any of the game chairs and the game UI will popup. If you join after betting has finished you will be able to view the current match, but will not be able to play until the next match.
To leave a game the player just need to click the "Leave Table" button at the top right of the game screen

Commands (Provided by Casino plugin)
/casino create <type> <maximum players> <minimum bet> <maximum bet> - Creates the specified type of card game, with the details provided

/casino setbet <type> <shortname> - Sets the bet type for the card game you are looking at
Types: Item / ServerRewards / Economics. Note that only the type Item will require a item shortname

/casino remove - Removes the card game you are looking at

  "Game Timers": {
    "Time between rounds (seconds)": 10,
    "Amount of time to place bets (seconds)": 30
  "Table Skin ID": 2809177998,
  "Version": {
    "Major": 0,
    "Minor": 1,
    "Patch": 0
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Reactions: Pret0riaN


First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

Latest Release v0.1.2

Sep 10, 2024 at 1:51 AM
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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Baccarat by k1lly0u
© May 17, 2022