
AutoCodeLock 3.0.8

This plugin requires the Chaos extension ->


  • Automatic deployment of codelocks on a variety of entities
  • Allow users to set a default lock code, which is applied to auto-placed locks
  • Allow users to update all their code lock codes with the click of a button
  • Allow users to set a default guest code, which is applied to auto-placed locks
  • Allow users to update all their codelock guest codes with the click of a button
  • Allow users to deploy door closers on all doors they place
  • Allow users to configure the close delay on door closers
  • Allow users to sync close delay changes to all door closers they own
  • Hides codes for users in streamer mode
  • Easy to use dynamic user interface for user configuration
  • Customizable UI coloring
  • Automatic purging of old users from data file

AutoCodeLock uses Oxides permission system
To assign a user permission use oxide.grant user "username|steam id" "permission" in console.
To assign a group permission use oxide.grant group "groupname" "permission" in console.
You can read more about how to use the permission system here : uMod - Permissions
autocodelock.autolock - Allows users to use the automatic lock deployment functionality
autocodelock.deploydoor - Allows users to toggle auto-deploy on door placement
autocodelock.deploybox - Allows users to toggle auto-deploy on storage box placement
autocodelock.deploylocker - Allows users to toggle auto-deploy on locker placement
autocodelock.deploycup - Allows users to toggle auto-deploy on tool cupboard placement
autocodelock.nolockneed - Allows users to have auto-deploy lock placement on entities without them needing a codelock in their inventory
autocodelock.doorcloser - Allows users to use the auto-deploy door closer functionality

/codelock - Opens the user interface. This command can be customized in the config file

The configuration file can be found in your server directory at .../oxide/config/AutoCodeLock.json
The use of an editor and validator is recommended to avoid formatting issues
  "Chat command": "codelock",
  "Other Options": {
    "Use prefix in chat messages": true,
    "Admins bypass restrictions": false,
    "Prevent use if player is raid blocked": true,
    "Prevent use if player is combat blocked": false,
    "Prevent pick up of door closes": true
  "Delay Options": {
    "Door closer": {
      "Minimum": 2.0,
      "Maximum": 15.0
    "Ladder hatch": {
      "Minimum": 3.0,
      "Maximum": 15.0
  "Default Settings": {
    "Auto-lock on placement": false,
    "Deploy on doors": false,
    "Deploy on boxes": false,
    "Deploy on lockers": false,
    "Deploy on cupboards": false,
    "Deploy door closer": false,
    "Door close delay": 3.0,
    "Ladder hatch close delay": 5.0,
    "Use guest code": false,
  "Data Management": {
    "Save data in ProtoBuf format": false,
    "Purge user data after X days of inactivity (0 is disabled)": 7
  "UI Colors": {
    "Background": {
      "Hex": "151515",
      "Alpha": 0.94
    "Panel": {
      "Hex": "FFFFFF",
      "Alpha": 0.165
    "Button": {
      "Hex": "2A2E32",
      "Alpha": 1.0
    "Highlight": {
      "Hex": "C4FF00",
      "Alpha": 1.0
    "Close": {
      "Hex": "CE422B",
      "Alpha": 1.0
  "Version": {
    "Major": 3,
    "Minor": 0,
    "Patch": 0


First release
Last update
4.80 star(s) 20 ratings

Latest Release v3.0.8

Sep 10, 2024 at 1:54 AM
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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AutoCodeLock by k1lly0u
© Jan 8, 2017

Latest reviews

Almost all of K1ll's plugins are amazing, but this one really lacks. There is a bug that sometimes makes the auto door close not work despite saving and applying different delay, the door closer is old and clunky/ doesnt work very well. The plugin desperately needs to completely remove the door closer prefab from its code; while it might be more performance optimized, it is just a very annoying and clunky way to deal with doors auto closing. Other than the auto door feature, everything else works well.
works good :)
great plugin..wish i had it sooner
Well done well done love the plugin keep making amazing plugins I rate top of the top. Why are you looking at this? you need to buy.
Outstanding work. Even has a video tutorial for illiterate "Admins" like me.
Players love it, it saves a lot of time placing codelocks. You should use it!
Works flawlessly
Nice plugin! Best Coder! Best Support!!!
Great plugin. Took awhile to work out why /code did not work. Please update the photos. Thanks!
Everyone loves this on my server and i just installed it LOL good job!!